Wednesday, 23 March 2011

ADVERTISING - National Wedding Show

The national wedding show have used advertising in a big way, this has majorly helped the event establish itself as a brand and made the event a success year on year. They consider advertising to be the most important form of marketing and attracting their customers. The National Wedding Show publish adverts in:
♥ Print – newspapers (both local and national), specialist wedding magazines and on leaflets.
♥ Outdoor – tube stations (all over London) TV – How to Look Good Naked
♥ Web – Official website, facebook, Twitter & the official blog and
♥ Radio – kiss fm

The National Wedding Show chose to advertise in print in specialist wedding magazines, this is a direct link to the target audience and is an ideal way advertise to them. I noticed that as the event grew closer the adverts grew in size, they went from being on half a page, to a full page and finally a double page advert close to the event. The National Wedding Show only advertised in the traditional wedding magazines, when looking through several different types of magazines, such a traditional Asian wedding magazines, there was not an advert for the National Wedding Show.
They also choose to advertise in the newspapers, both broadsheet and tabloid papers such as the Times and Metro. The Times is an ideal paper to advertise in as 77% of the ABC1 class read The Times, targeting the ABC1 class that attend the show. The Metro is also a great paper to advertise in as it is a local paper to London, where the event is being held. This will encourage inhabitants of London to go, or to atl least make them aware of the event.
The exhibitors at the event are all sent paper leaflets and brochures of the event for them to hand out to their customers, this is a form of print marketing, however it is not always as effective as the other forms of print marketing as some of the exhibitors may travel a long distance to exhibit, and it is unlikely that their customers will aswell.
The National Wedding Show placed posters all around the London Underground Station. They were on the walls of a majority of tube station next to the escalators and stairs. This form of publicity is effective in that the people who live in London are unlikely not to notice it as it is on almost every wall, raising awareness of the event.
The internet, in the form of the website has been used as advertising. This is for attendees who are already aware and know about the event and are choosing to look at the details.
The National Wedding Show also have an official blog, this is a good idea as it is a new form of advertising. Around 70% of adults in GB have high speed internet connection, this proves that online advertising is on the rise. Facebook and twitter are great forms of advertising, they are fresh and new, precisely up to date, hassle free and are also a very good way of collecting data. The National Wedding Show posts regular updates on its facebook page keeping that form of advertising up to date.
Finally, the company also used radio to advertise the show. I only heard the advert once but it was on kiss fm at around 11am on a Sunday morning, 2 weeks before the even took place. The Kiss network reaches more than 2 million listeners weekly, this is excellent figures for the National Wedding Show.Kiss has more 15-34 listeners than any other commercial radio brand within the regions that they broadcast. This is ideal as the average age of bride is 29 year old. This shows that having the radio advert on kiss was a good choice as this is again, tapping into the ideal target audience.