Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Both the National Wedding Show and Oxford Fashion Week have individually deficient and redeeming features on their websites. The National Wedding Shows website has very limited information for a potential customer, there are no maps, directions or information on the venue, there is also limited information on the event itself such as the exhibitors, other amenities that will be available and the running order of the day. The site itself is very pretty, attractive and easy to navigate with the different pages clearly set out. The website for Oxford Fashion Week has a lot of information on it, however, this is set out in blocks of text making it very unappealing to read and slightly boring. The layout of the website, is again, very simple and easy to use, the theme of the website is attractive and appeals to a fashionista, with many photos from the event and a simple but stylish layout and design. I believe that more information for customers should be added to the National Wedding Shows website and some of the information on the Oxford Fashion Week website ought to be cut down, condensed and simplified in order to make both websites useful and to attract customers.